Our arthropod database contains data from long-term monitoring projects around the world. This unique and expanding database is a major resource for researchers or anyone interested in the biodiversity of forest arthropods.
By registering, you gain access to arthropod species and image data from Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama. Further collaboration, including download of said data for use in your publications, can then be requested with the project leaders.
We employ various sampling methods during the course of monitoring forest arthropods, targeted towards different arthropod groups, especially butterflies, moths, ants, bees and termites.
Currently, the Arthropod Initiative involves nine ForestGEO sites: Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama; Khao Chong (KHC), Thailand; Wanang, Papua New Guinea; Yasuni, Ecuador; Rabi, Gabon; Tai Po Kau, Dinghushan, Xishunangbanna (China); and Bukit Timah, Singapore.
The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) in Panama is a bureau of the Smithsonian Institution based outside the United States, and is dedicated to understanding biological diversity.
The Forest Global Earth Observatory (ForestGEO) is a global network of forest research plots and scientists dedicated to the study of tropical and temperate forest function and diversity.